& education
By providing training, we strengthen the organization’s ability to change. In our training, professionals are introduced to specifically developed methodologies and applications in the area of Change Competence. We apply the best and most recent change insights from subject areas such as organizational science, psychology, (change) management, business economics and management control. These are insights whose efficacy has been proven, both scientifically and in practice.
In onze trainingen leren we professionals onder andere een veranderdiagnose te stellen aan de hand van het Veranderkrachtmodel of VeranderCanvas. Dit vormt de basis voor het ontwerpen van een doordachte veranderaanpak. Daarbij besteden we aandacht aan inhoudelijke thema’s als organisatiestructuur, besturing, leiderschap, gedrag en cultuur.
Daarnaast verzorgen we trainingen voor (toekomstig) leidinggevenden. Leidinggevenden hebben een essentiële rol in de succesvolle realisatie van verandering. In deze training ontwikkelt de deelnemer kennis en vaardigheden op het gebied van verandermanagement en leert integraal te kijken naar organisatieverandering. Tot slot verzorgen we trainingen en opleidingen op maat, uiteraard afgestemd op hetgeen in de specifieke situatie nodig is.
The Change Canvas is a powerful method to systematically work from idea to approach. In this training we teach you how to apply this method. Together with your team in your own situation you learn how to do this correctly and how to arrive at an effectively completed Change Canvas. We teach you about the theoretical basis of the Change Canvas, discuss different work forms and give practical tips.
As a manager you have an essential role in the successful realization of change. You are an important link in the translation of both strategic choices as well as the change to the workplace. With this training we develop your knowledge and skills in the field of change management. Based on the Change Competence Model, we teach you to look integrally at organizational change. This allows you to give more substance to your role in the change. It increases the capacity for change of both yourself and the organization.
To develop the change competencies within your organization, we also provide tailor-made training programs. Sometimes we design and supervise a complete program, other times we provide specific training as part of a broader management development process. We would like to get in touch with you to jointly design a bespoke training or education program.
University programs
We have a permanent drive to increase our knowledge of the change management profession. We do this by actively connecting science and practice. In addition to providing training, we also teach at the university. With this we develop the knowledge in the field of change management among students and professionals. For example, we are affiliated with the Executive Master of Change Management at VU University Amsterdam. Within these programs, students working in professional practice are trained to be change management professionals. After completing this study, they are independently capable of solving complex and multidisciplinary issues in the field of change management in project teams.
In addition to this we are connected to the MBA Healthcare of the University of Amsterdam (UVA). We provide the Change Management program, where students gain insight into the relevant theory and practice of change management.